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Making a large wicking bed

Wicking beds are a fantastic invention, allowing crops to be watered more efficiently. Making a large wicking bed does involve a few steps and some preparation, however the benefits of this extra effort are water conservation, improved plant growth and better crops. The design of the wicking bed also provides opportunities ...


Mathematical modelling (Number): Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use their knowledge and show proficiency in solving problems with rational numbers. They will apply efficient strategies and use digital tools such as a calculator, where appropriate and verify solutions to various problems.


Finding the shortest path

In this lesson, students will experiment with different ways of creating a path between two points with algorithm design and generalizing patterns. From the patterns, they will be able to generate an algorithm for efficiently traveling through cities in a region.


Creating my own spreadsheet to convert binary to decimal

A spreadsheet can be used to do calculations quickly using formulas. How can we make a spreadsheet that converts a binary number to a decimal number? This lesson provides some guidance and Excel files for student and teacher use.


Conduct statistical investigations: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Conduct statistical investigations. Student bring together their learnings and plan a statistical investigation using known data or by conducting statistical data collection themselves. Students identify potential data collection and analysis from available data sets ...


Probability calculations: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Probability calculations. Students are introduced to more complex probability concepts, terminology and visual representations for all combinations of two events. Students learn the language and differences between the connectors: ‘and’, ‘or’(inclusive or exclusive), ...


Pythagoras and trigonometry: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Pythagoras and trigonometry. Students are introduced to Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems involving the side lengths of right-angled triangles.


Interpret and discuss data displays: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Interpret and discuss data displays. Students collect data to create a sample. Students consider whether the data is coming from direct or primary sources or is derived from secondary data.


Conduct chance experiments: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Conduct chance experiments. Students draw on what they have learnt about probabilities related to compound events and apply this knowledge in a variety of experiments. The use of digital tools and simulations allow for repeated practice of compound events and help to ...


Position and location: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Position and location. Students work with 3D objects that can be located on the x, y, z planes, allowing students to extend their thinking away from flat objects on a 2D plane, to objects with volume that have a position in space with (x, y, z) coordinates. Students ...


Mathematical modelling (Measurement): Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use mathematical modelling to solve problems involving ratios and rates in a financial context.


Linear expressions and equations: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Linear expressions and equations. Students build on their knowledge of the order of operations, simplifying algebraic terms and their prior knowledge of the arithmetic laws. Students will now create and rearrange linear expressions, as well as expand and factorise them.


Rates and ratios: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Rates and ratios. Students recognise and use rates to solve problems including, constant rates, rate of pay, cost per kilogram, recipes, simple interest and average rates. Students will also be required to make comparisons between two related quantities of different ...


How many in the queue?

Students use visualising and movement activities to develop an understanding of the relationship between variables.


All operations: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of All operations. Students use all four operations to solve problems with integers and rational numbers. They can use a range of written strategies and mental computation to demonstrate their understanding.


Shooting 3-pointers: Part 1

In this lesson students are guided through solving a problem using mathematical modelling. Students are guided through the process of formulating a problem that can be solved using a mathematical modelling approach. A professional sporting context allows students to engage in a common basketball scoring move: shooting ...


Shooting 3-pointers: Part 2

In this lesson, students conduct a statistical investigation, collecting and analysing data using percentages, and choosing efficient calculations and strategies. The investigation is communicated visually and verbally to the teacher and peers. Students reflect on feedback and consider revisions for the investigation.


Graphs: formulas and variables

In this lesson, students use algebra and linear equations to model two real-world scenarios to find information to make the best choice. Students set the aim of saving for a mobile phone (or similar goal) and use linear equations to model the pay rates of two part-time jobs to help make the better decision. This lesson ...


Measurement: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of measurement ideas. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in measurement including teaching and cultural implications.


Saltwater crocs: resourceful or a resource?

This lesson focuses on the analysis of a dataset that records scientific data collected about the crocodile population in the Kimberley region during 2015. The lesson follows an inquiry process where students use the dataset to answer relevant questions about the crocodile population. It also provides an opportunity for ...